We invite you to GROW YOUR HERO and ACCESS YOUR SUPER POWERS in 2020.
Starting with Oliver the Dreamer
This Level in our on-line Quest Challenge will empower, educate and elevate you to Imagine the Life of Your Dreams.
In this online “journey to transformation” you will take action steps, create new beliefs and gain greater clarity to simplify your life. You will also have the opportunity to discover your genius and create a vision board for future success.
Also the My Quest platform keeps you engaged and on target. You will be able to post to a community of people who are taking this course. You can even get 1-on-1 online coaching if you purchase the one-on-one package.
Click Here to see additional videos, testimonials and learn more about the "WHY," behind this amazing program!
My name is Tammy Vallieres and I call myself The Hero Intelligence Teacher.
My superpower is transforming classroom learning environments (calm, peaceful, and joyful) for both students and teachers. I'm passionate about quality education and helping every child become "the best that they can be" with a focus on the 3 super brains, head-heart-gut through the power of storytelling. In Kindergarten Masterclass, learning is fun, engaging, educational and empowering. My motto is Listen, Learn then Lead.
- 7 Levels
- Coaching By Star Hero
- Community Support